COVID-19 September 2020 Update: Masks Work!


The COVID pandemic continues through out the world, and as more data becomes available, we are better able to see what controls the spread, what we can do about this, and what the future may look like.

Controlling the Spread

As most of you know, cases in Dallas County continue to decline as do deaths.  The statistics bear out that with fewer cases, there will be fewer deaths. Most, but not all, deaths occur in older individuals who have underlying conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and other chronic long-term conditions. This decline in cases is undoubtedly due to better physical distancing, wearing masks and a better awareness of the community as to how the disease is spread. Be aware that in every statistical site that I have been to, masking mandates are followed within 7 days by a marked reduction in COVID cases.  I can say with absolute confidence that masks are working!

This epidemic will lessen with two scenarios occurring at the same time. Herd immunity, which many of you have now heard of, may play a role in decreasing transmission, as with more and more people being infected and therefore immune, there are fewer susceptible individuals who will get this disease. The problem with relying on just this to control the epidemic, is that in order for sufficient numbers of Americans to be infected, the death toll will be in the millions, and we do not know how long immunity after infection lasts. Second is the development of a vaccine. And vaccine development is not just one vaccine, but several different kinds. There are currently over 200 vaccine candidates in the world, of which 28 are in clinical trials. Final data on at least three of these should be available in the next few months and use for the public should start in early 2021 (earlier than this is possible, but not likely). Of interest is that in not one of the vaccine candidates are children included in the studies, so when the vaccines are introduced, they will be for adults only.

What’s Next?

So, for now the way to proceed with our lives is fairly straight-forward. Wear a mask! This is the single most important and effective way to be safe. Practice safe distancing of at least six feet (more is ok!) and wash hands often with soap and water or a hand sanitizer. High-use surfaces in public places should be cleaned often. Stay away from crowded areas, and if you must be there, limit your time to less than 15 minutes. Be smart, be safe, and be healthy. 

And one last thing; please take care of your mental health. Get new hobbies if your old ones have been curtailed by the pandemic. Stay socially connected with walks with friends outdoors (with distancing), Zoom calls, etc. and just use common sense in your day to day activities. I wish you the best.


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