A Guide to the New RSV Prevention
Aside from COVID-19 and the flu, RSV causes more respiratory illnesses, hospitalizations, and ICU stays than any other virus. Newborns are especially at risk. According to the CDC, it’s “the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than 1 year of age.” Infants less than 6 months are most likely to get seriously ill from RSV and require hospitalization.

COVID-19 June/July 2022 Update: Vaccines for Children 6 months-5 years
In June, the FDA unanimously approved vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19 for children ages 6 months to 5 years (or 6 years) of age, depending on the brand. Both vaccines have been shown to be very effective not only in preventing disease, but more importantly, in preventing hospitalization and death.

COVID-19 May 2022 Update: Cases are Down, but the Pandemic is Not Over
With the COVID pandemic, as many of you know, we seem to have reached a downturn. Some are even claiming the pandemic is over. It is not. Variants continue to arise, and although not as dangerous or life-threatening as previous ones (i.e. Delta), still cause infections, hospitalizations, death, disruptions and concern.

COVID-19 January 2022 Update
With so much information available to you, this may be “old news”! Upgrade your mask, get vaccinated, and remember Time, Space, People Place.

COVID Vaccine Is Now Available at Karam Pediatric Group For Ages 5-11 and 12-17
This past week we received our first doses of the vaccine for the virus SARS CoV 2, the agent that causes COVID. The vaccine now has Emergency Use Approval for children from ages 5-11 and 12-17. We are excited to announce that we are now scheduling appointments for your child to receive this amazing, safe and effective vaccine to protect your child from this terrible virus.

Safe Sleep Practices for Your Young Infant
A CDC study published in Pediatrics found that soft bedding, unsafe sleep surfaces and locations, and the presence of stuffed animals are still leading causes of accidental suffocation in infants under 4 months of age.

Remarkable Vaccine News; but it’s not what you think!
The CDC just released a study on the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine. When comparing rates of transmission from the pre vaccine era to rates in 2018, there was an 80% drop in infections reported in those under 25 years of age. This is nothing short of remarkable and indicates that the vaccine is working extremely well.

Farewell to a Colleague!
Please join me in saying a heartfelt goodbye and good luck to Dr Jeannine Cook! Dr Cook retired in June, and will now be able to travel and take care of her family more and more. I cannot tell you how fortunate I have been to have her here in the office seeing patients with me for the past 15 years.

COVID-19 May 2021 Update: Vaccines for Kids
Three weeks ago, Pfizer provided to the FDA its data on vaccination in kids ages 12-15 years of age. This week, the FDA announced that it may soon (within 1-2 weeks) grant Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer vaccine for kids in this age range.

Food Safety and Your Infant: Breaking Down the Latest Government Report
This report found levels of Mercury, inorganic Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead that exceeded limits set by both the EPA and FDA for maximum concentrations in the baby foods tested and, in many cases, exceeded even the manufacturers’ own internal standards. Here's our breakdown of the facts and recommendations for parents.

COVID-19 March 2021 Update: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
There seems to be a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel as the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, however disjointed and chaotic it may seem to be, is finally getting vaccine to the people.

COVID-19 January 2021 Update: Vaccinations Begin
Good news has finally come out of our continued battle with COVID as vaccines have made their way from the laboratory and into patients’ arms. Dr. Karam has put together responses based on scientific fact to concerns some parents may have about these vaccines.

COVID-19 November 2020 Update: Reduce Exposure to Stop the Spread
As cases continue to increase and hospitalizations and deaths mount at a more rapid pace, we must continue to be vigilant about our day to day lives and continue to practice physical distancing, proper wearing of masks and good hand washing. The good news is we’re seeing promising results from vaccine trials.

Early Introduction of Solid Foods into an Infant’s Diet
Studies show that the early introduction (3 months of age) of solid food into a child’s diet is helpful in reducing food allergies.
Why Dirt is Good for You
Is dirt good for kids? The first thing a parent would think of is an emphatic “NO!” Dirt is dirty, right? And we are told to wash our hands often, wear clean clothes, take a bath and in general stay clean. But wait, there is more to know!
COVID-19 September 2020 Update: Masks Work!
The COVID pandemic continues through out the world, and as more data becomes available, we are better able to see what controls the spread, what we can do about this, and what the future may look like.

COVID-19 June 2020 Update: Time, Space, People, Place
By now you are probably sick of seeing news about COVID 19 and are really tired of all of the “social distancing” and restrictions placed on your daily lives. Unfortunately, this will not end soon.