Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Karam Pediatric Group accepting new patients?
Yes we are! Please call the office to ensure that we’re on your insurance plan. If we are not, or you are a cash pay patient, prior arrangements will need to be made before scheduling your first visit. Please contact us to get started.
Does Karam Pediatric Group accept non-immunized patients in his practice? I’m concerned about my child catching an infectious disease from another patient.
Karam Pediatric Group does not accept non-immunized patients in his practice. If you have a special circumstance, such as a child with an immune abnormality which prohibits some immunizations then please call so we can discuss your specific case.
Does the Karam Pediatric Group run on time, or are they always running behind?
At the Karam Pediatric Group, we do our best to always be on-time. If you know other families in our practice, please ask them about this. There are exceptions of course, to accommodate emergencies but this is rare.
Is there an email available for me to send things to you?
To protect the privacy of our patients, we do not have email correspondence available. This requires a fairly extensive set up that ensures confidentiality and is HIPPA compliance that is not feasible for our practice at this time.
Can I make an appointment online?
We do not allow appointments online. We prefer to speak to you one-on-one to determine what date and time is best for you and our office. Please call us to make an appointment.
I need to speak to Dr. Albert Karam or Dr. Ann Marie Karam. Is this possible?
Yes it is. We do not charge for calls, and ask that you please touch base with the nurses first to voice your concerns. If you are unable to resolve the issue, or simply need to speak with a doctor, please ask the nurse or receptionist to give the message to your child’s doctor. Most messages are returned on the same day. Please call us to leave a message for your doctor.
What happens if I am running late to an appointment?
If by chance you are running late for an appointment, please call our office immediately so we can confirm that we can see you, as we may need to reschedule your appointment.
What do I do if my child is sick?
If your child is ill, please call our office and speak with one of our nurses to see if the problem can be handled over the phone, or if an office visit is needed. Please do not come to the office without an appointment.