Winter Seasonal Update

Is it A Cold, the Flu or COVID-19?

One of the biggest challenges is telling the difference between a common cold, Influenza (the flu), COVID and allergies.  What you will notice is that although there are several symptoms that distinguish these diseases, there is lots of overlap, and as you are aware, some with COVID are asymptomatic.  Sometimes the only way to tell the difference is to get tested for COVID and/or the flu. Do the best you can, and take extra precautions wherever possible.

Basic principles still apply, such as good hand washing, wearing a mask in public and avoid crowds in close areas.  Remember the saying, “Time, Space, People, Place”.  All of these contribute to the spread of not only COVID but also of any respiratory illness.


Dry Winter Ailments and Home Remedies

For a Bloody Nose

One of the most common problems kids (and adults) have in the winter is the bloody nose. As the heater runs more and more, the air becomes drier and drier and this dryness causes the delicate nasal membranes to become fragile and bleed. For the sudden bleeding, simply pinch the front if the nose for 5-10 minutes.  No need to tilt the head back. This should stop the bleeding. Then, to prevent nose bleeds, place a bit of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on a Q-tip and gently apply the jelly liberally to the central cartilage of the nose on both sides.  Do this nightly for about a week. Fell free to call us with any concerns.


For Dry Skin + Excema

For those who already have this, you know what to do.  But with the dry air and cold fronts that move through the North Texas area each winter, dry skin is bound to effect almost all of us. The hallmark treatment is moisturizing the skin. There are many great products out there.  My personal recommendation is to use products made by the companies Cerave, Cetaphil or Vanicream.   Try to use the creams in a tub, not a pump. These must be used at lease twice a day, maybe three times a day to be effective. For more severe cases, application of a topical steroid cream can help.  Please feel free to call us for our recommendations for difficult cases.